Pranav Nadimpalli

Data Engineer

Backend Engineer

Product Analyst

Pranav Nadimpalli

Data Engineer

Backend Engineer

Product Analyst

1 Mn Daily Ads – Real-Time Event Streaming and Ad Delivery

  • Date: 01/12/2023
  • Associated with:

Real-time streaming ETL on Google Cloud Dataflow:

  • 1M daily ad events streamed real-time to BigQuery through Apache Beam pipeline on GCP Dataflow.
  • Achieved 99.99% data ingestion rate; crucial for accurate billing to advertisers.
  • Reduced monthly streaming costs from $12K to $1K, a 91% cost optimisation.
  • Implemented transparent DevOps solution to update the ETL in-stream without data loss.

Django REST APIs for Targeted Ad Delivery:

Delivered targeted real-time ads to 500K+ daily active users in 100+ countries with sub-500 ms latency by- 

  • eliminating server cold starts,
  • minimal microservice use,
  • caching end-user data,
  • frequency caps on ad requests,
  • optimising various small processes (e.g. lightweight auth),
… while maintaining low cloud costs in the process.

Architected geo-targeting for ads, increasing CTR by 50% over competing ad networks in Web3 ads.

Dashboards on Metabase:

Created dashboards providing key insights to CEO for stakeholder meetings.

Lightweight BigQuery SQL queries to showcase ad event data (10+ ad event types) segmented by location, category, spend, advertiser, and publisher.

A notable strategic decision based on these dashboards
impressions from low-spend users in Pakistan and Bangladesh identified; leading to the implementation of frequency caps on ad delivery API requests to mitigate cost bleeding.